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Sawirro: Xeritaanka Tababar ku saabsan “Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Islamic Finance in Somalia”

Waxaa si heer sara ah kusoo gaba gaboobay tababar ku saabsan “Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Islamic Finance in Somalia” oo Bankiga iyo Horumarinta iyo Dib u dhiska Soomaaliyeed isaga oo kaashanayo Bankiga Hourmarinta Islamka (IDB) u qabtay Bankiyada gaarka ah ee dalka ka jira.

Tababarkaan ayaa wuxuu socday muddo 10 maalmood...

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SDRB President Prof. Abdullahi Afrah and Minister of Finance return to Somalia , The Delegate Attended at the 40th annual meeting of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Board of Governors in Maputo, Mozambique.


The Somalia delegation also participated 22nd annual meeting of the Board of Governors of the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC); 15th Annual meeting of the general assembly of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of Private Sector (ICD); 10th meeting of the General Assembly...
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